Department of Panchayati Raj,
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Annoucements & Circulars
Act & Rules
Training Material
Central Progarmmes/Schemes
State Progarmmes/Schemes
Other Progarmmes/Schemes
Directory of ERs of PRIs
Other Important Documents
Contact Details
Office order to allow Chairperson of Panchayat Samiti to hire taxi for official touring and Inspection of Development works within the jurisdiction of respective Panchayat Samiti. 07 September, 2021.
Office order regarding sanction of DCRG,ex gratia etc. to the employee of Zila Parishad cadre in tribal area. 5 July 2021.
Office order of the committee constituted at block level to declare the building unsafe
Format of inquiry report conducted against ERs of PRIs
Regarding slow progress in r/o PRIASoft, one of the 100 days targets of the department (dated 7.2.2018)
Maintenance of accounts in PRIASoft by all Panchayati Raj Institutions
Guideline for sanctioning of funds for construction of Panchayat Ghar
Clarification regarding to count including strike period in the 5 years of daily service for providing regular pay scale 5910-20200+3000 Grade Pay.
Regarding releasing of funds for the reimbursement of medical bills of regular Panchayat Secretaries of Zila Parishad cadre.
Regarding issuing of working efficency certificate, no dues certificate and other requiste certificates etc. for the favour of empolyees employed in the Panchayats.
Guideline regarding providing time scale for the regular employees of Zila Parsishads after completion of two years probation period.
Office order regarding monitoring the presence /accountability of Panchayat Secretary(RD & PR), Panchayat Shayak, Technical Assistant and Gram Rozgar Sewak.
Guideline regarding providing Regular salary for Technical Assistant.
Office order regarding engagement of Panchayat Chowkidars against vacant posts.
Redarding Daily working time period and job chart of Tailoring Teachers
Issue of"No Objection Certificate" railway for Construction/ Redevelopment Government/Private land adjoining to railway land boundary.
Office order regarding analysing and assessing the work of PES applications being executed by Wipro
Instructions of opening schemes wise bank accounts in Panchayats
Provision for Entry in the Pariwar Register- Instruction thereof
Circulars/Instructions/Orders: RGPSA/RGSA
Regarding CA Audit of RGPSA of district Solan
Regarding conducting of CA Audit of RGPSA of district Kinnaur
Audit Cell
Regarding proper deduction of GST and check on M-Form & Instructions thereof.
Instructions regarding exposure visits amended 2024
Certificate Course for Accountants of Panchayats and Municipal Bodies
पंचायत समिति सदस्यों का अन्य राज्यों में स्टडी टूर पर भेजने बारे दिनांक 22-12-2023|
पंचायत समिति सदस्यों का अन्य राज्यों में टूर पर भेजने बारे।
Regarding permission for exposure visits.
Regarding No transaction in Personal Accounts.
Regarding Audit Format for the Audit of PRIs.
Regarding Monthly Rent of Buildings and Assets of Panchayati Raj Institutions
Regarding stopping the purchase of other items from the Panchayat Samiti fund in the development block offices.
Office order regarding committee constituted to give Zila Parishad Commercial Complex/ Building/ properties on auction based rent as on 13 March 2015
Office order regarding committee to provide the Commercial Complex, Building and property on rent/lease basis in respect of the Panchayat Samiti
Guidelines on Financial Audit of PRIs
Annual Audit report of Panchayats 2019-20
The Annual Technical Inspection Report on P.R.I & Urban Local Body for the year ended 31-March-2017.(English Version)
The Annual Technical Inspection Report on P.R.I & Urban Local Body for the year ended 31-March-2017.(Hindi Version)
Notification regarding for making the expenditutre during the gram sabha meeting under Hospitility Head.
The Annual Technical Inspection Report on P.R.I & Urban Local Body year 31-March-2014.
Direction of audit note from AG
Audit Manual Panchayati Raj Institution HP (Hindi).
/ Guideline
Annual Audit report of Panchayats 2013-14
The Annual Technical Inspection Report on P.R.Is & Urban Local Body year 31-03-2015.
The Annual Technical Inspection Report on P.R.Is & Urban Local Body year 31-03-2016 (English).
The Annual Technical Inspection Report on P.R.Is & Urban Local Body year 31-03-2016 (Hindi).
Important Documents
Act & Rules
Number of the PRIs
Name of PRIs
Directory of ERs of PRIs
ACR status of the Officers/Officials
Seniority list of the Employees
PSG Notification of Services
Fourteenth Finance Commission Grant
Levy of taxes by Panchayats
Visit To:
Panchayati Raj New Website
State Government portal
State election commission
State information commission
Ministry of Panchayati Raj
Ministry of RuRal Development
H.P Rural Development Department
PRTI Mashobra